
7 Steps To Spring Clean your Health - anytime of the year #healthybody #healthyroutines Jun 10, 2023


Just as we declutter our living spaces and freshen up our surroundings, it's equally important to rejuvenate and revitalize our bodies and minds.

Spring offers us an opportunity to shed the winter blues and embrace healthier habits that can have a profound impact on our overall...

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5 Steps to Introduce an Effective Workplace Wellbeing Program #workplacewellbeing May 28, 2023

While workplace wellbeing programs have gained significant attention and importance in recent years, there are still several challenges that organizations face when implementing them.

After 10 years of deliveringworkplace wellbeing programs, we have seen alot of changes and despite the call for...

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5 Simple Morning Routines To Kickstart your Day #morningroutine #feelgood Jan 20, 2023

They say that how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it, and nothing rings truer than the power of a well-crafted morning routine.

In the rush of our modern lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of those precious early hours. However, by intentionally designing a...

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5 Pillars of Wellness - Simple ways to feel your best everyday Jan 20, 2023

Does your current state of health and wellness allow you to live to your full potential?

Try and engage in at least one behaviour from each of the five sections daily for optimum health & wellbeing.

1. Exercise

Regular, intentional exercise feeds your body, mind, and spirit. 


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Why does meditation make a difference? #meditation #meditate #mentalhealth #innercalm #workwellnessintoyourworkday #calm #mindfulness #bepresent Jan 20, 2023

In our fast-paced and ever-connected world, finding moments of peace and stillness can be a challenge. That's where the power of meditation comes in.

In a society driven by constant stimuli and endless distractions, taking the time to quiet our minds and focus inward is not just a...

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Corporate Yoga Australia Online Courses
How To Use Your Breath for Better Health
How To Use Your Breath for Better Health #calm #mentalhealth #mentalhealth #wellbeing #meditation #meditate #workplacewellbeing #workplace #staffwellbeing #corporateevents #corporatewellness #corporatewellbeing #wellness #mindfulness #breath #breathe #powerofthebreathe Jan 20, 2023

STOP for just a moment. 

Take a deep breath in through your nose and now slowly release the breath out through the mouth. 

Can you feel a difference?

Shallow breathing can result in anxiety, fatigue, sleep disruptions and other physical and emotional disturbances. The power of...

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